Monday, March 28, 2011

Fascinating Womanhood

The second inspiration for this blog came from a visit to my boyfriend's Grandma's house. She, being a Great Depression survivor, saves everything and reuses everything. As you can imagine, I had a whole afternoon full of "This Old Thing" stories. It was so fun!
My favorite finds were the "I Dream of Genie" style 1970's lamp, which she gave to me (I'll try to get a picture up once I restore the shade), and a book from the 1960's entitled "Fascinating Womanhood". For the next several days, I will try to post some treasured quotes from this book--it might be just what the single ladies need to solve their dating woes, and what all the marrieds need to preserve marital bliss.

Dos and Don'ts for the Feminine Manner
Slap men on the back
Whistle loudly
Roar at jokes
Gulp food
Drink by throwing your head back
Lean heavily on man's arm
Grasp a man's hand tightly
Walk heavily
Look fierce or hard
Speak harshly

Shake hands with men gracefully
Speak softly, tenderly
Walk lightly
Eat quietly
Take a man's arm lightly
Look tenderly
Make tender statements to your children
When your husband is harsh, respond with the power of femininity


  1. how exactly are we supposed to respond with the power of femininity?

  2. Tami, I don't think I ever responded to this. The funny thing is that the book basically says appear like you need your man--that can be acting dumber than him, weaker than him, or just more needy. You don't have to actually BE any of those things, but he needs to think you are. Hahaha! Someone is actually doing a documentary on this book. I'm interested to see it when it's done.
