Friday, November 16, 2012

Mom's Dress

Never got this added to that last post...
Not the best shot for seeing the dress but you get the idea. Love the Bridesmaids' hats!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This is for Whitney :-) THE DRESS

So I haven't blogged in so long--so much has changed since I started this blog.  Not only am I now a married woman, but I am about to become a mom in just 11 more weeks (give or take a week depending on the baby's plans).

Anyway, while I was visiting California a week ago, I got to see my good friend from middle and high school, Whitney, and she asked me about my blog.  Whitney is still boycotting facebook, and may never jump on that bandwagon, so I told her I'd try to start using my blog more.  Thing is, this blog was meant to be more business and less personal.  I have a love for vintage things, and have a dream of eventually selling some of my vintage rejuvenation creations online and in boutiques.  So for Whitney, I will do this one personal post because it also fits the theme of this blog.

This is my remake of my Mom's wedding dress, which I actually wore for my own wedding.  This project was so fun, and was definitely the most time-consuming of all my wedding to-dos, but also the most enjoyable.  I was blessed to have the help of my friend Natalie, whose sewing skills brought many of my ideas to life--I'm still rather amateur when it comes to sewing.

 Ok my mom's original dress was an A-line strapless dress. I combined it with an old Victorian style lace dress I found for $20 at a thrift store.  The top of that dress is the back of the little jacket shown below.
 My mom's dress had a narrower sash at the waist, so I opened it up and made a wide pleated sash to fit the waist of the dress to me.  I added all these buttons down the back--my mom teased me as she did them up that my groom would have his work cut out for him to get them undone.  But I just love the buttons...
 Mom and I made the veil together--it's got one of my Grandma's old pearl clip-on earrings in it.
 The little rope tied around my waist is my "something borrowed".  It's from my mom's temple dress.  Here you can see that the other lace dress became the overlay for my mom's dress.
Just had to add one with my groom because he looks so good :-)
I'll have to look for a picture of my beautiful mother in her dress so you can see what the original looked like.  Thanks for sharing your dress with me, Mom!